Author: Gaby Alexander

Essential Oils Home Remedy For Insect Bites

Essential Oils Home Remedy For Insect Bites

Bug or insects bite occur at some point. They are things we can hardly stop especially in during the summer or spring time. Even though the bites may cause no harm to your wellbeing, they may cause you some discomforts like swelling, itching, redness and even little pains. Since they are minor side effects, I believe there is no point using over the counter medications or creams when there are natural ways to solve your problem. Some essential oils do incredible jobs in soothing the pains that come with insect bites. I will be talking about some of them in this article. Read on! Essential Oils Home Remedy For Insect Bites Peppermint Essential Oil: Peppermint oil can reduce swelling and relieve pain as well. It also gives this cooling sensation which I believe you’ll love to feel after...
5 Productivity Apps For Moms
Geeky Mom

5 Productivity Apps For Moms

As a mom, there is always a lot to do and a lot screaming for your attention here and there. It is even worse when you’re a working mom, or you own your own business. Everything and everyone wants a bit of you. From the husband to the kids, business partners or boss at work, the house chores are there staring you in the face and all of that. Sometimes, everything feels unorganized and uncoordinated. But, with the right “tools,” you can reorganize and re-coordinate your life. You don’t have to “lose your mind” at any point in time. With the following five apps in this article, your family plus work stress can reduce to the barest minimum. You can even plan your dinner and shopping lists with your phone. You, your family and work partners can always have smiles put on. Five productivity ...
3 Things You Should Know About Seo And Online Marketing
Mom's Marketing

3 Things You Should Know About Seo And Online Marketing

Learning about SEO and online marketing is not difficult, but it’s time. When a person creates a website, he wants sales or visits. The same site is not essential, the traffic you receive is valuable. The way to get this traffic is to know more about SEO. Three things you should know about SEO and online marketing: Get More Information Getting more information on SEO and online marketing is the first step to finding resources. Because search algorithms are often modified, older sites offer little value to another person who wants to be educated. Websites in a short time as in a previous year, if they are not updated regularly. I prefer to learn sites that receive frequent updates, and the community’s Internet marketing institution agrees. Try hidden search Most webmasters choose to do...
Tips To Help Your Baby Sleep Well

Tips To Help Your Baby Sleep Well

Putting the baby back to sleep might sound like an impossible mission, and it is an eternal question for new parents on how to get the baby to sleep, but unfortunately, the newborns have their own ideas on when to nap and when to scream their hearts out. All babies are little owls, and there could be various reasons why they wake up in the middle of the night. If there is a couple out there, who is interested in getting their baby to sleep better the following tips will be your ingredients for your baby’s sleep recipe. Create the environment: Cluttering the room in which the baby sleeps with toys and other attractive things will confuse and distract the baby. We all are quite excited about the addition in our family and tend to have so many attractive add-ons attached to the baby’s c...
Ways To Overcome Common Single Parent Problems

Ways To Overcome Common Single Parent Problems

As parents, we consistently sacrifice our desires, needs, and other obligations just to see that little smile on our child’s face. People say what does not kill you will make you stronger, but that is only when you take up things in your hands and push yourself to overcome your fears no matter how bitter your situation might be. Our lives are filled with challenges, and our happiness depends on how we take up such hurdles and face the world. Here are some of the ways that can help single parents to cope with challenges in life. Believe in yourself: Cookies crumble in all our lives and all of us react to it in different ways. None of us is perfect, and as humans, we are bound to make mistakes. But just because things are falling apart in your life, it does not mean that you do not hav...
5 Monthly And Annual Goal Planning Tips For Moms
Young Mom's

5 Monthly And Annual Goal Planning Tips For Moms

We all love setting goals but the problem is that not many people achieve them. This is because they don’t do much after making a list for the year. As a matter of fact, for you to achieve your goals, it’s important that you break them down into actionable items over a less timeframe. When implemented in annual, quarterly or even weekly increments, it gives you much more control, scope, and definition over what you will do regarding the overall goal and you even have a greater chance of achieving it. Here are quarterly and annual goal planning tips for busy moms. Start with the Big Picture The best approach to take towards creating quarterly goals is by seeing those goals as part of a bigger picture. For your quarter goals to be practical and achievable, you should begin by plan...
5 Practical Time Management Tips For Working Moms
Young Mom's

5 Practical Time Management Tips For Working Moms

Being a mother is one of the most amazing things in the world. However, this responsibility becomes challenging when you have to balance family and work. With proper time management, you will find enough time to pay attention to your kids and spouse and get your job done on time. The following are some of the time management tips that can help you to be organized. Spend less time on hair and makeup Most women waste too much time in the morning making their hair and doing makeup. Working women are advised to get a low maintenance hair and go for a more natural look. These days, short hair is fashionable and looks very professional. The time they would have spent on the hair could be spent on family to give the day a good start. You can also spend the saved time to prepare all the th...
Giving It All To Christ Through Meditation And Worship
Young Mom's

Giving It All To Christ Through Meditation And Worship

They have been times when we are in a fix, those times when we are tossed and turned by the strong waves of life. When it seems all is lost, and you can’t take it anymore, what then do you do, do you just quit? No! It is the perfect time to talk to your Maker. Just so you know, it’s not only when you are down or low in life that you worship or meditate on his word, in fact, the act of worship and meditation should be an everyday activity. It should be a lifestyle, only then can the presence of God, dwell forever in you. The phenomenon is known as worship and meditation Giving your all to Christ through meditation and worship is not a new phenomenon, it has been in existence since the beginning of times. Psalms 1 aptly explain and tell us what happens when we fellowship with God throug...