How To Make A Toilet Paper Bird Feeder

The chirping of birds coupled with green leaves is among the most common tell-tale signs of imminent spring. Kids enjoy watching the beautiful scenery of birds feeding, taking baths and building nests. Believe it or not, you can bring this scenery closer to your home by creating bird feeders and installing them in your yard. The craft is easy and fun for your kids to try out. Below is a detailed guide on how to make a toilet paper bird feeder from scratch.


l A toilet paper roll

l Wild bird seed

l Peanut butter

l A string

l A spatula or popsicle stick

l A Pan or plate

l Hole punch

l Two sturdy sticks

Note: If any member of your family is allergic to peanut butter, you can go for sunflower, soy or almond butter. You may also use natural homemade glues as an alternative.

Step One

The first step in making a toilet paper bird feeder is punching two holes in one end of the roll, which should be evenly aligned across each other. Insert a string through the holes from which your bird feeder will be dangled.

Step Two

Punch two holes in the opposite end of the toilet paper roll and align them evenly from side to side. Subsequently, punch a set of two more holes around the same area but slightly higher or lower than the previous set. These holes will be used to insert two sticks so that the birds can have a place to perch on when feeding.

Step 3

Insert the two sticks through each set of holes. Each stick should go through one hole and come out via the corresponding one. Use minimal pressure when pushing these sticks lest your roll tears or the holes become too loose. Ensure that your sticks cross each other and stick out long enough to allow the birds to perch on them comfortably.

Step 4

While holding the bottom part of your bird feeder and right under the sticks, sparingly spread the peanut butter at the top of the structure. Use a spatula or the Popsicle stick for this purpose and be careful not to cover the two holes at the upper part of your feeder. Subsequently, roll the upper side of your feeder in a plate full of birdseed. (Doing this will enable the seeds to stick onto the feeder).

Step 5

Cut your string into the desired length and insert it into the two holes you made in step 1. Successively, tie the ends together in a way that your bird feeder will be dangling from the string. Hang the feeder on your desired spot, sit back and watch as the birds feed on it.

Birds can create beautiful scenery especially when they flock in your garden. Most people lure them in their homesteads by installing bird feeders in their front or backyard. While there are numerous feeders for sale, creating them from scratch using empty toilet paper rolls is a quick, cheap and family fun activity.

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